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June 2024

Gateshead - Local Contacts

This chapter was updated in June 2024.

Bruising in Pre/Non-Mobile Children

This chapter was updated in June 2024 to note that the Pathway of Care Regarding a Birth Mark including Congenital Dermal Melanocytosis or Medically Induced Injury is a regionally agreed document.

May 2024

So-Called Honour Based Abuse

This chapter was refreshed throughout in May 2024.

Child Protection Enquiries - Section 47 Children Act 1989

In May 2024 Section 8, Medical/Paediatric Assessments has been updated in line with local practice.

Recognising Abuse and Neglect

In May 2024 definitions were updated in line with revised Working Together to Safeguard Children.

Prevent - Safeguarding Children and Young People against Radicalisation and Violent Extremism

This chapter was refreshed in May 2024 and links added to additional guidance in Further Information. In Local Information, a link was added to Newcastle Prevent Referral Form.

Domestic Abuse

This chapter has been updated in May 2024 and should be re-read.


In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout and updated in line with revised Working Together to Safeguard Children.

Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation

In May 2024 this chapter has been amended to include information on Identifying Suspected Perpetrators of Modern Slavery to Section 2.3, Indicators.

Child Protection Conferences

In May 2024 Section 10, The Child Protection Plan has been updated in line with local practice. The chapter was updated throughout in line with revised Working Together to Safeguard Children.

Forced Marriage

This chapter was refreshed throughout in May 2024.

Agency Roles and Responsibilities

In May 2024 new section Principles was added into Section 2, Serious Violence Duty, to include information from the Ofsted Framework Joint Targeted Area Inspections of the Multi-agency Response to Serious Youth Violence.

Online Safety

This chapter was refreshed throughout in May 2024.

Good Practice Supporting the Voice of the Child

In May 2024 this chapter has been updated in line with revised Working Together to Safeguard Children.


In May 2024 a new section was added to the chapter around Safe Sleeping. Additional information has been added into Section 4, Working with Fathers/Partners.

Bruising in Pre/Non-Mobile Children

This chapter has been updated in May 2024.

Female Genital Mutilation

In May 2024 a new section has been added on Other Harmful Practices. The Health and Care Act 2022 has made it illegal to carry out, offer or aid and abet virginity testing or hymenoplasty in any part of the UK. It is also illegal for UK nationals and residents to do these things outside the UK. Information has also been added on Breast Flattening which is an offence as set out in CPS So-Called Honour-Based Abuse Legal Guidance.

Safeguarding Children with a Social Worker, Cared for Children and Previously Cared for Children at School

This chapter was added to the procedures manual in May 2024.

Harmful Sexual Behaviour

This chapter was refreshed in May 2024 and additional links added in Further Information.

Child Exploitation (Sexual and Criminal)

In May 2024 minor amendments have been made to definitions in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children.